With Us
Why Partner?
Help us expand! The Makeover is on a mission to spread the message that no one is too stained for a change. Help us support women and children in and beyond this beautiful city of Houston.
People need people. Women need women. We need your help to reinstate a community and a place where women can learn life from and with other women.
Dress how you want to be addressed, right? Help us teach the masses about beauty and health maintenance. Not everyone had that aunt, mentor, or safe space growing up, so let’s change the narrative and teach women and children how to maintain their beauty."
We make the outside look good, but our mission is the heart. Your giving will help fund many women in their ability to attend life-changing ministry conferences. ”
The minority is NEVER too small. Help us in outreach to widows and orphans, they need us too.
WE NEED YOU! WE NEED FAMILY! By partnering with us you can help lower the costs of community opportunities and beautify hearts that were once hard. Join our mailing list to see how your funds are literally changing lives for the better. Let’s have a makeover!